Saturday, August 29, 2009

Some thoughts!!!

Some time I wish we had no memories. No regrets, no expectations.

No good memory to regret coz its over and no bad memory of failed expectations.

Life would have been a hell of joy ride, if we could just put the if’s and but’s aside.

Accepting fate is never tough, but challenging it is.

I wish I had no courage, no ambition to fight for.

I would have been another satisfied soul, who wasn’t bothered by the achievements of the world,

But I am no docile cow, I am a born fighter, and I will fight my fate till it loses and gives me what I want,

I crave.

Give me what I dream; give me what I expect from IT!

You came and went, you spoke and I heard it was a monologue we had. What I said you could never hear, you never said what wanted to hear. Life passed away in a long wait. At the end of the journey, I tried to read the milestones, when I turned back, I saw none there, that’s when I realize the journey which lasted life time never actually began.